Prepare for Days That Kick You in the Face

One night after class, I had a conversation with a student who rarely misses. I mentioned to him about having to cut back on his training in the future if he gets married and has kids. His reply was, “I won’t get married if she won’t let me train three or four times a week.”

While this sentiment displays his determination and passion for our arts, it does not deal with the reality that bad things, and even good things, can take us away from what we love to do. Too often, when these setbacks occur, we are heartbroken and cannot overcome it. Are you equipped to cope with life when it kicks you in the face?

There is a way to prepare for such events. In Stoicism, there is a practice known as premeditatio malorum, or the premeditation of evils. This exercise involves negative visualization. You think about the worst possible outcomes for your day, your week, or any time in the future. By dwelling even in the least bit on the bad things that could happen, you inoculate yourself from the sting should those things occur.

As the story goes, a Buddhist teacher was once known for saying, “This cup is already broken.” He loved the cup, but knew that one day it would shatter, whether by his hand dropping it or it tumbling from the table to the floor. By accepting its fate, he was free to drink without the anxiety of losing the cup.

In my training, I often think of what I will do when I need surgery again (two knee operations and shoulder reconstruction since I began training). I even think about the day I can no longer grip efficiently due to arthritic fingers. What if an illness robs me of my abilities for good? These are just a few scenarios in my life.

Some may think it morbid or depressing to dwell on these things. I find it liberating. It also encourages me to train while I can, to live my life with reckless abandon, because tomorrow is not promised and if it is, it will not be like today.

*Within a week of writing this post, I fractured my tibia on my right leg while taking down a larger opponent. I sat and laughed through the pain thinking about this post. Perhaps I spoke it into existence. At least I was mentally prepared.

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7 thoughts on “Prepare for Days That Kick You in the Face

  1. Had a karate teacher once who talked to us about the white color of the gi. White, he said, was traditionally the color of death. To wear the gi was to consider the worst outcome of any given situation and to make your peace with it, to walk through it and come out the other side.

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  2. “This cup is already broken.” I think that philosophy is interesting. I use a similar meditative stance when making artwork. I think to myself, this piece already knows what it will be or not be. I’m assisting in its destiny. It takes the stress out of the creative process, and I feel free to “nurture” or “guide” the materials into its evolved form.

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  4. Pingback: Crap Happens: Accept It and Keep Going. | The Philosophical Fighter

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